Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Climbing the career ladder can be a burden
- sometimes-

This I believe:

CAREERS ARE OVERRATED (to listen to this podcast, click on the title of this entry)

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? I do.

I went through several jobs - at least in my head.
I wanted to be a horse jockey, a`pilot, a`stewardess, a tour guide, a twister hunter, a radio presenter or even an actress.

As kids we are much more flexible when it comes to finding new approaches to life. We never really think of a career - We think of a job that we would love.

But then comes a time when you are expected to make up your mind. You have to decide: which of of all these jobs and careers that are out there, is it going to be?
And all of a sudden, other factors play into your decision making: Will I make money? Can i have a family and do this job at the same time? Do I want to live close to my family? Where do I want to end up when I'm 60?

Unfortunately, the moment that you start asking yourself all those questions, is the moment you start being inflexible. Very rarely do people ask themselves: Will I be happy? And what exactly do I need to be happy?

I believe, that the road to happiness is doing what you love. Because if you do what you're passionate about, you'll most probably be good at it. Whether this coincides with a successful career or not, is a little side effect. And if there are some changes on the way and I have to readjust, then that's not a disaster - but instead a very good thing.

That's why I decided not to stress out just because I'm graduating this year. I know what I love. I know what I'm passionate about. And even if i don't end up as a manager or editor - I know I'll be happy. At the end of the day, the amount of money you have or how high you are in a company's hierarchy says nothing about how happy you are. And that's all I want from life - happiness.

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