Wednesday, December 9, 2009

AUC in the Seventies

The Caravan of the week after the Oct. 6 war in 1973.

AUC in the Seventies: Audio documentary
Length: 15:50

The Seventies stand for the Hippie movement, the music, the fashion, international politics and a change in the way people were thinking.the most significant symbols were the Beatles, bell bottom pants, tight shirts, mini skirts, the Vietnam War, student activism and free love. But how was the Middle East experiencing that time? What was Egypt, the opinion leading nation of the region going through. I went back to the Seventies and took a look at one of the most significant institutions of Egypt: The American University in Cairo. Interviewees include Mahmoud El Lozy, Samia Mehrez and Louis Greiss. Tune in and find out, what exactly campus life was like in the 70s and how students dealt with the '73 war.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Job Hunting

Since I'm graduating this semester, I need to find a job.
As if this isn't already hard enough in our current economic situation, I need to find a job in Germany, where there are about three million unemployed. Three million!! Oph!!

Now what is it that makes me different? How can I ensure that I'm not going to join this vicious circle of unemployment?

Another thing that just recently came to my knowledge is that those years at AUC and a bachelor in broadcast media journalism do not necessarily qualify me for a regular full-time job as a reporter, journalist or editor.

No, in Germany they have this system of the so-called "Volontariat," which is basically a 2-year-long apprenticeship in my field.

So, here I go searching for an apprenticeship in Germany: Writing CVs and advertising for myself. Something, I am not used to at all.

But here's the deal: I AM qualified! I have work experience and -to be honest- the Mass Communication department at AUC is not as bad as some may think. I am trained. Ready to go and kick it.

And now I'm just hoping that somebody will give me a chance, despite studying at an American University (Many Germans think that's basically worthless), despite my foreign name and despite being a girl.

I am positive, that that somebody who's willing to hire me, will not regret it. Because I know I'm good at what I do - I'm just really bad at advertising for myself.